Graphic Designs
There are many graphic designs websites that fail to target their required graphic designs traffic, even if they’ve had some graphic designs search engine optimisation work done. One of the main causes for this is simply because the graphic designs website isn’t search engine friendly.
This is a basic graphic designs essential that needs to be incorporated into the design of all graphic designs websites at the outset – think of it as the foundation to establishing your graphic designs search engine optimisation strategy.
This article aims to highlight the areas a graphic designs web designer should think about and incorporate into their graphic designs for search engine effectiveness:
1. graphic designs Search Engine Friendly Pages
It is important that when you design your graphic designs website you not only bear in mind what your graphic designs website requirements are, but also what the graphic designs requirements are for search engines. Best way to approach this is to remember that search engines don’t really care about how nice or complicated your graphics or flash movies are, or how snazzy your javascript is.
Instead search engines look at the graphic designs code behind your page. Therefore if you want to impress a graphic designs search engine, then your code needs to be nice and easy to read. Now from this I don’t mean adding ‘comment’ tags and breaking the lines of code up with spaces, but to ensure that the graphic designs elements the search engine is interested in, i.e. Title tag, Description tag, graphic designs Keyword tag (these days only some search engines really use the graphic designs keyword tag), Alt tag, are readable near the beginning of the code. Search Engines don’t like wadding through lines and lines of javascript to get to the core areas that can help you graphic designs page’s ranking. Therefore careful planning and positioning of your graphic designs page elements is required.
• If you’re using table for laying out your graphic designs page then make them simple and not too complex.
• Avoid using frames.
• If you need javascripts for graphic designs navigation purposes, then use smaller scripts to call up the bulk of the javascript from a different graphic designs file.
• Think twice on how to use graphic designs – make them relevant to your content and use the Alt tag for all graphic designs images.
• Position the main content of the graphic designs page before the images, or at least with the images nested between the text.
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